How To Set Money Goals and Actually Reach Them

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Today we are going to talk about how to set money goals and actually reach them!  

Money goals require intense intentionality.  


They should be lifestyle rearranging intentional.


Also, your goals need to be purpose-filled so you won’t give up halfway through.


Plus you need to plan and prepare for obstacles that will come your way.


All of the above can get really hard to manage if you don’t plan it out.


Keep reading to learn how to slay your money goals with ease in just 3 steps and 3 tips for success.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail! – Benjamin Franklin


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How To Reach Money Goals


Build lasting habits from purpose-filled choices.


Each choice you make while chasing your goals must have a purpose to keep you going day after day, month after month, year after year. 


It can be your life purpose or even purposes you were placed in ( parenting, career positions, societal positions).


That needs to be the big picture you see while your small purpose-filled choices create and beautify the future masterpiece. 


Intentional living


To reach your goals  you also have to make a plan and take intentional steps. 


Instead of arranging your goals around your life, you will need  rearrange your life around your goals.

You will have to change your lifestyle to reach your money goals.

It can’t just be cutesy two- week changes, but a  dedicated  lifestyle for months or years.

You can fully maximize your life and your money goals by planning  your life around them. 


How To Get Started

1. Find Your Why and Level Up Your Mindset 

Reach deep inside that  soul of yours and ask yourself why! 

  • Why do you need this?
  • How can this change you?
  • What bad can this remove?
  • What good can this bring?

This why has to give you a burning desire to reach your goal.

Keep it at the front of your mind or even better in a place where you can see it every day. 


You will also need to stay motivated and accountable. 


Coaching, journaling, accountability partners, vision boards,  and even your Instagram favorites can help motivate you to stay the course with your goal.


Be sure to use as many combinations of the above as you can to keep you focused.  


2. Know Your Numbers


Know your number goals; whether it’s how much you want to save or how much debt you want to get rid of. 


Those numbers give you hope of a stopping point, so you won’t feel like you will be doing this forever. 


Also, you can break those big numbers down to make them manageable. 


A lot of people have no hope of paying off their student loans because they just see a huge number that looks impossible to pay. 


The key is to take your big money goals and break them down into small goals, then celebrate every win! 

Work backward from your goal by dividing it up by years, months, weeks, and days. 

 Sidenote: Life will never go how you plan it. We are just puny humans with a limited view of the future. But it doesn’t mean just sit there and let life control you. You still should have goals. If you don’t reach it, that doesn’t mean failure, that means find another way to do it. Failure always gets you one step closer to the right solution and to your goal. 

 3. Rearrange Your Life To Meet Your Goal

This is where the purposeful choices come in to help form habits and then a lifestyle. 

How much do you need to make to reach your money goals?

What can you do and what are you willing to do to reach it?

To rearrange your life you will have to remove and/or decrease choices that are pulling you away from your goal and then increase choices that are putting you closer to your goal.

Everyone is going to reach goals differently because we all have our own wants and needs, as well as dreams and desires.

I’m not going to tell you exactly how to rearrange your life, you may hate most of the things I did. 

There are plenty of great choices you can make to help you reach your goals. 

Make purpose-filled choices on a regular basis and have a true burning desire to reach your money goals and you will! 

3 Tips For Success

1. Prioritize, but find ways to eat your cake  

When you have a busy schedule and know you don’t have time to do “all the things” you pick what is needed and wanted and put aside what doesn’t matter. 

When you have a small budget and you know you can’ t buy all the things,  you pick what is important to you and give up the rest (or work extra for it). 

The thing is you can find ways to have your cake and eat it too so that you won’t feel burdened by your goal.

That means not banishing everything you love to reach your goals or finding ways to have it on a budget.

Here are some things I did:

Intervals: This quarter no eating out, next quarter no amazon shopping. 

Replacing: “I can’t go out every weekend, but I have a home bar and new artists I want to introduce you to, let’s make it a party. “


2. Set automations and routines to make the new lifestyle easier 

Set up certain “set it and forget it” systems and build up routines to make new habits easier. 

Here are some things I did:

  • Automate my budget or any extra payments towards debt 
  • Quarterly meal preps (60 days worth of breakfast, lunch, and dinner the last weekend of every quarter)
  • Morning, Evening, and Weekend routines
  • Calendar notifications and alarms
  • Capsule wardrobs

 Another plus of this is all the time you gain back from removing menial tasks.

You get so much more time to live life exactly how you want to reach your goals. 

3.  Evaluate your progress

If something isn’t working you should catch that through monthly and quarterly evaluations.  

These are extremely important when trying to reach goals because you don’t need to keep doing something that’s not working. 

Pivot or even change your goal to make it more manageable and attainable. 

Be sure to evaluate your goals monthly or at least quarterly. 

Example Money Goal: Pay off Car in 12 months: $10,000


Find your why and change your mindset:

  • It’s a huge chunk of my budget monthly  and would give me more money freedom 
  • It will increase my credit score which will help when I want to get a house in a couple years
  • It’s placing me one step closer to positive net worth which is one of my biggest money goals 
  • Place goal on my phone screen, picture of paid in full on vision board, and tell everyone about my goal 

Set Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly goals: 

  • $833 monthly, $208.25 weekly, and  $2500 quarterly 

Rearrange Your Life to meet your goals 

  • InstaCart  3 times a week with money going towards a car payment
  • Meal prep my meals 80% of the time and put the extra money towards the car payment  
  • Do one vacation this year to my most desired place and put the extra money toward the car payment 

 Apply The 3 Principles:


  • Automate sending of the extra payment to my car principle 


  • Say no to money-draining temptations
  • Tell people what my schedule is and learn how to work around it 


  • Set up weekly, monthly, and quarterly evaluations in the calendar, if InstaCart doesn’t work, try another side hustle 

Each of your money goals will need to be broken down like the example above, then make sure you set up your life and rearrange it around your goals.


My Last Two Cents

I’m challenging you to try this method with all your money goals. 

You will feel so much more accomplished year after year with intentional and purposeful goal slaying.

Keep it up and you will have money security and money freedom in no time!


-ReEducated Rizzy <3

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